Summer recreational opportunities

It is worth to visit our apartments in summer, too!
In this page you can get information about the summer recreational opportunities around Tiroler Hasenhohle. More information about each activities click on the More button.

Canyoning, private Tour

If you want some adrenaline this is for you. Enjoy abseiling right beside or inside of the waterfall,
spotting hidden canyons, sliding down on a wet rock, jumping into the water from the top of the rock.
There are easier and harder levels you can choose from.


More info about the private canyoning tour

Via ferrata

Here in ARZL or PITZTAL you can do hiking and rock climbing at the same time.



More about via-ferrata:


Here in OTZTAL the Area 47 is for exclusively those who are keen on summer extreme sports. You can
test your skills, bravery and strength also.



More about the Area 47:

Adventure Park

You can explore a new feeling in this XP adventure park, where you need to reach tree to tree in the air
on cords in safely. Suitable for kids, adults and also families.
More info about the adventure park:


More info about the adventure park:

Boulder Rocks

The love of boulder cliffs can conquer around 176 boulder routes in PITZTAL from 2017. Suitable for
novice or advanced climbers. Also for kids and adults.
More about boulder rocks:



More about boulder rocks:

Rock Climbing

This region (PITZTAL, OTZTAL) is a well-known favourite among mountaineers and climbers. Imst is
also a co-founding member of the climbing platform Climbers Paradise that catalog all the great
climbing opportunities in Tyrol.



More about climbing in PITZTAL:

More about climbing in OTZTAL:

Indoor Climbing

In the IMST sport centre there is a huge surface (1420 sq meter with 200 routes). Here you can try what
you dare and what you are able to do on the wall.
More about indoor climbing:



More about indoor climbing:

Excursion, Hiking

you can see many places are there to choose from if you fancy for a nice walk around us. You can find all
sorts of routes from short to long distance, also suitable from kids to elderly people.
More info about hiking


More info about hiking

High Mountain Touring

On the top of PITZTAL Mountains you can feel the high-altitude fresh air during these hiking tours,
which adjust all demands and everyone’s level. Available for private person and groups.
More info about the private tour guide
More info about the hiking tour guide



More info about the private tour guide

 More info about the hiking tour guide


Do you like extreme sports or just like to taste it? Then this is a perfect sport to start with in a rubber
rafting boat on a very bumpy ride on the waves.
More about Rafting



More about Rafting:

MTB end Road Cycling

Whatever you are riding on you will definitely find your suitable route around PITZTAL.
More about MTB opportunities:
More about the road cycling opportunities:




More about MTB opportunities:

More about the road cycling opportunities:


In PITZTAL the paragliding can give you a fantastic memory for those who enjoy the heights and
freedom. Available from age 4.



More about paragliding:

Nordic Walking

Are you looking for routes for a nice jogging or an active Nordic Walking?
More about Nordic walking


More about Nordic walking:

Horse Riding

Would you like to do it in Tirol? Or you haven’t ridden horse before and you’d like to try it? Then here is
the perfect opportunity in this amazing environment surrounded by mountains. Available in ARZL,



More about horse riding:

3d Archery

In JERZENS you can try out the 3D archery! You can do it with the concentration of the mind, soul and
body mixture.
More about the 3d Archery


More about the 3d Archery:

Summer Bob Sleigh

The world’s longest alpine roller coaster. Exactly 3,535-m pure excitement awaits those who take the
Alpine Coaster Imst down into the valley. The start of the speedy ride is directly next to the mid-terminal
of Imster Bergbahnen lift at an altitude of 1,500m. After just a few moments you’ll encounter the first
surprises: Bumps, steep turns and unexpected twists await breathless riders.


More about the Apline Coaster:

Go – Carting

DOLLINGER-ben egy kis időre, te is versenyzőnek érezheted magad. Száguldozva, éles kanyarokat kihasználva előzheted le a másikat. Ha csak utasként szeretnéd ezt az élményt átélni, arra is van lehetőség.



A Gokartról bővebben:


PITZ PARK WENNS-ben hegyi tó vízében lubickolni, fürdeni egyedülálló élmény azoknak akik szeretik a hideg vizet. Ez mellett több lehetőség is akad a strand területén amivel a strandolós napodat kiegészítheted. IMST-ben a családosoknak van kis és nagy medence, csúszdákkal az élmény egybe kötve.


Pitz Park hegyi tóról bővebben:

IMMST Schwimbad-ról bővebben:

Sand Tennis

ARZL-ben, WENNS-ben, St. LEONHARD-ban. Egy kis futás, labda és ütő összhangjának az ügyességi játéka.



A teniszezésről bővebben:

Bungee Jumping

Ugrás a mélybe semmi nélkül, még is biztonságosan.




A bungee jumpingról bővebben:


Family Parks

A családi parkokról bővebben:


KLAUSBODEN: A parkolótól 2 perc séta be a mese erdőbe, egy patak mellet szép tisztáson 3 sütögetőhely található.



A grillezésről, sütögetésről bővebben: